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      Introdusing RKBC Youth, EM Group Ministry 

      Our worship service starts at 10:30am every Sunday! Worship is led by our own praise team that consists of our teachers and students. Then we have a time of announcements, where important dates and events are given to our congregation. After the announcements, we go into the Word and listen intently to the message. We finish our service with a closing song and offering, and some final remarks.


      Our vision is to become a church that genuinely loves another with Christ-like love. We want to obey the Word and bear fruit; we want to be a church of doers, not just listeners. Ultimately, our goal is to glorify our God in everything that we do.


      In addition to our Sunday worship services, we have small groups that are according to age after our service. In our small groups, we discuss many things, from the worship experience, to our daily lives and personal prayer requests. We also have weekly Bible studies that happen every Friday night at 6:30 pm. Over the past year, we went through 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Romans, and 1 and 2 Timothy.


      Our staff consists of:

      Pastor Ed Lee, Eunhee Lee